Isn't he just adorable?!? He was a tricky one! One of those newborns that likes to be wide awake and fidgety instead of peacefully dreamy. Of course as soon as we were done, he was out like a light! Ü
Absolutely friggen adorable tho! I spend about a half hour after the session sitting on the couch snuggling with mister man! Talk about a relaxation technique. They should have baby snuggling spas. Ooooh... I might have just came up with a fantastic new idea! Baby snuggling spas... I like it...
Back on topic. Apparently I've had too much red bull or am feeling a bit random today. Today? Ha, everyday. I just type it like I think it! Ü
Momma Maile's momma, Barb, is one of the complimentary session winners from when I was building my fan page on facebook. To become a fan find me on facebook here. I do random specials and give aways and post stuff about what I am up to on this page. Check it out! Ü
Jackson decided he was done being in momma's tummy about 4 weeks early. By the time I was able to photograph him, he was already close to a month old. But still itty bitty because of his early arrival. Couldn't you just kiss those cheeks all day! Scrumptious! Ü
They grow so fast! I saw him the other day to deliver the portraits and he looks so much bigger already.
Congrats Maile & Nick on a beautiful baby boy!
Angie D
Remember Today ~ Forever
I love the picture of him in the hat! Adorable!
Great Pictures Angie! Thank you!!
Beautiful, Angie...I'm telling you...You have got an eye...ok, two but that's beside the point :)
awwwwwwm such a cutie!! Great pics!!
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